Saturday, May 23, 2009

Here is Our Heart

It blew my mind when I read today's Motivation for Mom's because it is EXACTLY what I was praying for my children today and the last few days.  Ever since God impressed upon me to pray Matthew 5:8  for my boys.  "Blessed are the Pure in Heart for they shall See God."
In my journal today I wrote on my thoughts about Purity.  In my mind,  a pure heart does not let any outside/worldly influence crowd the space where God resides.  So i struggle with how to teach my kids to stay pure in such an impure world.  When boys in general are so easily enticed by the lusts of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.  The two verses I came across in my studying purity this morning were

1) James 4:8 "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.  Cleanse your hands ye sinners, and purify your hearts, ye double minded."

2) I John 1:7 "If we walk  in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His son, purifies from all sin."

This second verse seemed to lift the burden of my thoughts.  It made me understand all over again that it is not about our actions or about us purifying ourselves.  We need to pursue fellowship with Christ and allow Him to purify us from within.  So instead of my boys constantly struggling to keep themselves pure, they need to pursue Jesus wholeheartedly.  They need Faith in his cleansing power!  
  So how do they take hold of Jesus as their own?  Mike made a comment the other day that impressed me.  He said , "How will my sons ever know my heart, unless I give it to them?"
Which tells me that we can't expect our children to live for Jesus and understand how he can change their hearts as He has ours unless we share it with them.  Unless we bind it on their hearts and meditate on it day and night and talk about it as it is life.  Because they are our children, we pass down not just physical traits, but character traits as well.  They inherit our sin, YUCK! Oh, how we want them to know how they can be set free from such bondage. How Christ can take the pride, fear, lust, anger, insecurities, judgement, and lies and create Purity!

May God help us in this journey!

1 comment:

Art Teacher said...

I miss you! I miss your influence in my life, but I'm glad that I can still get it here. This post was chock a block full of wisdom. I need these reminders all the time. I need to be reminded to get in the word! Can you guys move here? It's just a suggestion.