Wednesday, November 12, 2008

City Dump

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

I know that Recycling is important, but I have a new found appreciation for the importance of it after taking a field trip to the City Dump.  I rode with Mike in the big dump truck for work. They take construction loads to the dump quite often.  I joked that we were at the highest point in Lee County. But sadly, it was true.  The hill was so large and so tall that if we were any closer in proximity, we could see into the windows of the Air Traffic Control tower at the Airport.  The hill just keeps getting bigger because once a section is full, then they pour mulch and sand over top of the garbage and compact it down , so we were driving on top of garbage even though it just looked like a big sand pile.   I want to do my part now and make sure that I recycle all we can.
I didn't take any pictures, but I guess not posting a picture of a garbage dump won't be a problem. :)
However, I just saw wall art at Target that said, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, but I couldn't find it online to post a picture.  It would be cute in my laundry room and a good reminder for my new obsession with Eco-friendly living!!

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