Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Cheer

I am not sure if it is Christmas Cheer, or the Starbucks sweetened Black Tea Lemonade that I just drank (can't get it in decaf), but lately there is a smile inside me that can't be wiped away.
I am so thankful that God has provided a job for me in December because I have had a lot of fun with gift buying and gift making this season.
Today was a fun day too.
9:30 am took Caeden to school for his Christmas party

10:00 am ordered Owens birthday cake from publix.....this is the first birthday cake for the boys that will not be homemade, but it is special because we are putting this picture on it :)
If you know Owen, then you know that he
is obsessive over Maurice's work truck.
No matter what subject you talk to him about
this truck can be brought into the conversation
at any given moment. for example
Me: "Owen, what is your favorite color?"
O: "Reese's Truck"

10:30 am: Owen and I got our haircut.
My soon to be 3 yr old son sat with me for 2 hours without a fuss. Christmas miracle? maybe. We brought 4 different truck books and read them over and over again, and of course the cookies given to him by the ladies at the salon helped too. He acutally just got his bangs trimmed because Aunt Hopey wants it long for her wedding that is in 2 weeks.

12:30 pm: Went shopping in Anthropologie and wanted 1 million items for myself, but bought a few great gifts for others instead

1:00 pm Owen and I got drinks at Starbucks....hence the wirey Christmas cheer inside of me right now.

1:30 pm Came home to my house that just got cleaned by my mom's cleaning service. That alone can bring a whole lot of cheer. We have listed our house with a realtor and they were supposed to take pictures of the house today, but it got canceled due to rain. But I will enjoy the clean today for after my 3 yr olds party probably won't be clean.

2:00 pm The mail lady delivered these today
Custom Tutus for my nieces made by Nanastutus from Etsy. I ordered the pink and green for Aspen and the Purple for Addy. They will loooove them.

3:00 pm Owen is apparently experiencing theChristmas cheer as well,
because he is wide awake after a 45 minute nap. Or it could be due to the 2 homemade shortbread cookies he ate at the salon and the cookies i let him after after the salon as a special treat for acting so well behaved.
Whatever this cheery feeling is from, I pray it lasts well beyond the holidays and into the New Year and thay you experience the same! Merry Christmas

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