Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My life lately

I have had some ups and downs these past few weeks and it seems like just when I want life to slow down a bit, it throws us on a roller coaster instead.
I haven't been feeling so well lately due to an early miscarriage a few weeks ago combined with a change in Thyroid medication. I was on track with exercising and eating right and feeling good and now I have taken 10 steps backward. This week i have some more doctors visits to check out my heart and thyroid, so I would appreciate some prayer. Our family took a much needed vacation this past week and I haven't been this relaxed in a long time. Although that could have been because of the bubble bath i took last night:) We spent a day at Busch Gardens in Tampathen stayed in my parents RV at Disney's Fort Wilderness Resort and Campground. We stayed up late, and slept in late; we rode bikes, trains, buses, horse wagons, ponies, and boats; we swam in their pool and played in their new kiddie pool everyday; we grilled and ate outside; we enjoyed family time, just us and it was awesome.When we got back yesterday, we came home to a house with no running water. So we stayed at my parents house last night, now one day and 900 bucks later, we have water again.
In other news, Mike and I have been pursuing options of buying our own RV Park. It looks like one might actually work out, but I won't say where or when just yet.

If you ever get the chance to study Experiencing GOD by Henry Blackaby, do it! I went through it the first time about 15 years ago, but am enjoying it all over again and appreciating it much more. Here is a recent excerpt that hit me hard the other day

The authors says."Each day I have an appointment with God. I often wonder what happens when the God who loves me comes to meet with me. How does he feel when He asks, 'Henry where are you?' and I am not here (see Jer. 7:13). I have found this to be true in my walk with the Lord:I keep that time alone with God, not in order to have a relationship but because I have a relationship. because I have that love realtiosnhop with my Lord, I want to meeet with Him and spend time with Him. Time with Him enriches and deepens the relationship I already have with Him. I hear meany people say, 'I really struggle trying to have time alone with God.' If that is a problem you face, let me suggest something: make the priority in your life to love Him with all your heart. That will solve most of your problem with your quiet time. People who struggle to spend time with God don't have a scheduling problem; they have a love problem. You have a quiet time because you know Him and therefore love Him, not just because you want to learn more about Him. The Apostle Paul said Christ's love compelled or constrained him
(see 2Cor. 5:14)"
taken from unit 3 day 3
bold letters done by me for emphasis

I don't want to let all other "inconviences" and "interupptions" in my life to crowd my love for God. My priority needs to be pursuing my love relationship with God above all else.

1 comment:

Erin Gari said...

Melanie! I love you all and I am praying for you all. I got your text today and I do not know of anyone right now but I will keep my eyes open. If there is anything at all I can do to help, please let me know! You are awesome!