Sunday, October 11, 2009

10 things i am eating & loving right now

1., 2. 3. Almonds, Almond Milk, and Almond Flour

Everything almonds, they are rich in Vit. E and gluten free and so verstatile.

4. Agave Nectar
a lot like honey and used in replacement of sugar

5. Pure Maple Syrup
Why did i ever buy any other but pure?

6. Xocai Chocolate
have only had it in free samples, but it is the "healthy chocolate" so they say
a "super food"
eat it 3 times a day

7. Smart Water
Not only because i want to look like Jennifer Aniston, but i like the water and i usually seem to find it for $1 a bottle and they are big bottles.

8. Shallots
I have used them a lot lately in cooking and it makes for a really great ingredient in salad dressing.

9. flax seeds

I have put them in salads, smoothies, and cereal.

10. Rice Based Protein Power
this isn't necessarily the brand i use but i have been using it in my breakfast smoothies.
maybe i should have included smoothies in this list too. i love them that is for sure.

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